Pro Motus, one more year together

For as long as I can remember, even before I started racing motorcycles, my passion has been sports. I have an innate need to stay in motion: wearing a kimono, wearing spiked shoes, putting on gloves and much more. I have been very fortunate because in all the sports I have played I have always had former professional athletes and great coaches who have been able to lead me to constantly improve, both in results and as an athlete.

Since 2018 when I started with the first races I have had proof that even racing motorcycles is a sport takes the body to the limit.Athletic preparation becomes the more important the higher the risk. Finding yourself out of breath facing, for example, the last corners of a race in a tussle with other riders or not being perfectly lucid in the search for the lap to the limit in qualifying can have a catastrophic outcome.For this, as for many other reasons. I am really happy that I will have Pro Motus by my side again for the 2023 season.

For 4 years now Andrea, Stefano, Sonja and Marianna have been taking care of my preparation, supporting me and helping me to arrive in the paddock in the best condition.Thank you Pro Motus, we have a great season ahead and I am looking forward to a successful championship!

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